this game is AWSOME!!!!
this game look like it should be in a arcade somewhere...
the hat at the start of the gam is worth picking up
this game is AWSOME!!!!
this game look like it should be in a arcade somewhere...
the hat at the start of the gam is worth picking up
ghost from hell??? wtf!?
ok how can you have ghosts from hell?
that goes against the idea of hell entirly
quite boring
no purchasable upgrades
speakers really aren't required
I've played thios game before...
I don't remember it being called bullettime fighting though it was called matrix bullettime fighting
it needs a story mode then it could becoming like the thing-thing series
very good game
but glitchy
Your game is great love everything powerups random band guys
there's an error that happens when you start the game that finishes the game for you just shows cutscenes and unlocks a ton of medals
Hate to say this but your game look like you copied it from the ipod version
your game made my computer REAAALLLLLYYY sssslllllooowwww
and i can run more graphicaly entensive games then this one.
the music was a bit weird you should have found something, better although its not bad music :) Its just not 'commie cannon'
-need upgrades or motivation to play
Yar me harties that was a game to shiver me timbers(fun) had problems with my computer tyfoonin' water. but jokes aside this is a pretty fun game and i think most people will like it. ARRRR!!!!!
Actualy I've seen another game like this on another site wich actually is better it has graphics and actually makes sense. I made a searched for that game here
oh yeah and those quizzes about yourself.... Kinda really SUPER lame.
Need better graphics this looks like power point.
and not enough people types.. old,young,Rambo,pirate personas
not enough zaney logic
And WTF is with the picture??? I thought this was a urinal game and not Hentai trivia!!
Well maybe this time they should try to stop them with penicilin!! :)
No but this is a really good game!!!
You actually get to be the aliens and do cruel stuff to people
instead of just regularly running away from them... good stuff
INTERESTING???? Nah!!! (just kidding)
this is a game in it's own respect but to call it either thing-thing or madness is an insult its simply itself neither one nor the other but a great combo of both
Thank God(s)/The beattles/Elvis/Einstein/(And the 2 wonderful people that made this game)
This is perhaps THE best Survival game I have ever played!!!
a cool white bar system
you don't die within 15 seconds of playing it
meaningful voice overs
Who ever did the sound effects got it spot on
Hurray! thank you :)
I am a sleeper, Lying in the grass... When the counter ticks to zero When the clock tower rings You will know me.
Of Thought
Joined on 4/17/09